When I set out to start using note parameters to build resources and tools related to AppSheet, I quickly found that I needed a way to organize all the things I was creating.
Also... working with note parameters brings with it A LOT of finnicky syntax (which MUST be correct 100%, otherwise everything breaks), so I also wanted a way to make all this simpler.
So I built an AppSheet app to do all this.
Price: $500
What you get:
A copy of the app
Initial 2 hr onboarding session
1 hr follow-up session
​3 days later
​2 additional 1 hr follow-up sessions
​you choose when
Access to a "change log"
​details any updates made to the original app
which you can copy again, if you wish
contains any updated formulas you may need
What can I do with this?
The app that you will get a copy of is the same app I've used to make all the auto-tables you can find at; as well as the In-App Guides you can find in the AppSheet Community
All of those were built using the system that you can purchase here
It can do the following:
Keep track of all your Apps, Tables, and Columns - in one place
Define the specifics of columns​​
Column Name, Display Name, Description
App Formula, Initial Value Formula
Show if, Required if, Edit if, Valid if, Reset if, Suggested Values
Reference Connection Specifics
Type Specifics (number/decimal settings, etc.)
etc. (every setting inside the column settings)
Easily Setup Pages, Sections, and other SHOW elements
Export your tables to a TEST TABLE for debugging
And best of all...
Re-Use Your Tables & Columns!!!